Nonprofit Fixer™ Blog
The Nonprofit Fixer Blog offers immediately useful tools and insights to fix your nonprofit.
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How to Write a “Thank You” Note After Your Event - Using AI
A timely and thoughtful thank you note can keep your donors coming back. Learn what to include, when to send, and how to make gift acknowledgments easy!
Stop Listing Your Program Features: Here’s How to List Benefits Instead
Raise more money, get more volunteers, and build more power for your nonprofit organization by using the right word choices.
Grant Writing Does Not Have to Be Hard!
Yes, crafting a winning grant requires skill and expertise. But that doesn’t mean it has to be hard. Get pro tips to make grant writing easier.
Nonprofit Gift Acceptance Policy Made Easy
Learn how to create a gift acceptance policy that works for your organization – and your donors. Free template included.
Do This Simple Donor Prospect Research Before a Major Ask
Donor prospect research isn’t just for finding donors. Learn how to use prospect research tools to prepare for a major donor ask – and increase your odds of success.
How to Create a Simple Yet Effective Fundraising Plan
How to Create a Simple Yet Effective Fundraising Plan
4-Day Workweek Major Study Released: It works!
The four-day workweek (4DWW) is a shift from the more standard five-day workweek (Monday to Friday) for salaried full-time employees. The five-day workweek is common in the US and many western countries for white-collar, professional, and service-sector careers. The four-day workweek usually entails a reduction in the number of hours worked between Monday and Friday so that only four days are required for work.
Maryland is taking aim at burnout. Why we need the 4-Day Workweek.
The four-day workweek (4DWW) is a shift from the more standard five-day workweek (Monday to Friday) for salaried full-time employees. The five-day workweek is common in the US and many western countries for white-collar, professional, and service-sector careers. The four-day workweek usually entails a reduction in the number of hours worked between Monday and Friday so that only four days are required for work.
The Complete Guide to Implementing a Four-Day Workweek
The four-day workweek (4DWW) is a shift from the more standard five-day workweek (Monday to Friday) for salaried full-time employees. The five-day workweek is common in the US and many western countries for white-collar, professional, and service-sector careers. The four-day workweek usually entails a reduction in the number of hours worked between Monday and Friday so that only four days are required for work.
Is Imposter Syndrome rare or everywhere in nonprofit leadership?
In recent years, the phenomenon of “imposter syndrome” has been getting a lot of attention. Struggling with your confidence in any role, including work in nonprofit organizations, can impact your performance, happiness and overall approach to your career.
Disclaimer: Thanks for visiting! My blog is a resource guide for educational and informational purposes. To write my articles, I use my experiences, the experiences of others, and various other resources, including but not limited to the internet and other sources. That said, my advice doesn’t come with any guarantees. By visiting this site, you’re essentially signing a contract that says that you understand that I make no guarantees and that you won’t try to sue me because that would suck.