Get Inspired: 40 Quotes About Nonprofit Leadership and Fundraising

As a nonprofit leader, the day-to-day can start to feel like a slog. Between board meetings and fundraisers and staff management, it’s easy to forget why we’re working so hard (hint: to change the world!). So, I invite you to take a step back and reconnect with your purpose with 40 inspiring quotes for nonprofit leaders. 

One quick note: As many of us know, sometimes quotes are misattributed. If you find a quote here that you think is misattributed, kindly let us know!! Have an awesome quote to contribute? I would love to hear from you! 

Motivational Quotes for Nonprofit Leaders 

These quotes are especially good if you’re having one of those tough days. You know the ones: where you feel pulled in too many directions by board members, funders, staff, and the very real community needs you’re committed to.  

  • “Leadership isn’t just about deciding what to do, it’s also about knowing what not to do.” - Jeremy Reis 

  • “Nonprofit leaders must have the courage to take risks and try new approaches, even in the face of uncertainty and challenges.” - Nancy Lublin (source)

  • “Nonprofit leaders are inventors and entrepreneurs. We make something new out of nothing every day.” - Sean Kosofsky, The Nonprofit Fixer (source)

  • “If you think juggling flaming swords sounds challenging, try balancing the egos of nonprofit board members” - Relatable Nonprofit (source)

  • “To galvanize people to your cause, be the CEO: The Chief of Enthusiasm and Optimism” - Sean Kosofsky, The Nonprofit Fixer

  • “People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.” - John Maxwell

  • “The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men.” - George Eliot

  • “Fear is useless. What is needed is trust. As social innovators we’ve got to be tenacious, gritty and courageous. We deal with cynicism and rejection- especially when what we’re working on is important. So we can never give up. Ever.” - Jim Ziolkowski

  • “Leaders become great not because of their power but because of their ability to empower others.” - John Maxwell

  • “Leaders should celebrate change and evolution. Yes, change is hard, particularly if you think your organization is managing its current mission and working fairly well. But our world is constantly adapting, as are stakeholders and their needs. We need to constantly adjust and grow to maximize the benefits of our work. Change allows us to innovate and adjust, and no matter how scary it is, it is needed.” - Patrick Riccards, Driving Force Institute

  • “For innovative leaders, we fail more than most see. The little hiccups, the projects that go astray, the projects that go slower than we like and any curves along the way teach us resilience. Physical, mental and emotional resilience are key skills for leaders to cultivate, and it can be done through challenges. I've learned to breathe through the challenges, dig into my resilience and keep going. There's always a win when we're resilient.” - Jennifer Thompson, National Association of Social Workers New Jersey/Delaware

Tips for Running a Sustainable Nonprofit

Running a nonprofit is never easy, but it can be rewarding. These inspiring quotes provide a little extra insight into how to find sustainability in nonprofit leadership and impact. 

  • “It's time to stop obsessing about overhead and start focusing on progress. Change charity, and charity can change the world.” - Dan Pallotta

  • “People are not overhead” - Sean Kosofsky, The Nonprofit Fixer

  • “Working in the impact space is often a paradox. On the one hand, knowing you’re making a difference is tremendously satisfying. On the other hand, the long hours can be physically exhausting, and the work itself can be emotionally draining. Learning to take care of ourselves is such an important part of any nonprofit professional’s journey.” - Amy Castator (link)

  • “Today’s nonprofit needs to look deep within at current systems and structures that are not working. In order to be nimble, flexible, and adaptable, the organization of tomorrow needs to be thoughtful and self-reflective.” Robin Cabral (source)

  • “I would ask you to question who’s at the table and who’s not at the table and to think about those voices that aren’t represented when you’re making decisions” - James Halliday Board Chair, Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy

  • “Boards need to stop spending 95% of their time on the expense side of the income statement” - Sherry Quam-Taylor (source)

  • “The mission is everything. Nearly every decision can be made based on what will help you reach the mission.” - Sean Kosofsky, The Nonprofit Fixer

  • “It's ok to be small. Don't feel pressure to scale. Evolution has always benefitted smaller creatures over larger ones!” - Ryan F (State Voices)

Need a Laugh? Hilarious Quotes About the Reality of Nonprofit Leadership

Nonprofit work tends to be intense. So sometimes it’s nice to take a minute to laugh (and maybe cry a little too) about the reality of nonprofit work. 

  • “The first day of our strategic planning will be a deep dive into why we ignored our last strategic plan” - Relatable Nonprofit (source)

  • “As a nonprofit employee, my daily routine involves an interesting mix of heartfelt passion, bureaucratic paperwork, and searching for the elusive unicorn known as ‘unrestricted funding’” - Relatable Nonprofit  (source)

  • “We basically treat nonprofits the way that society treats poor people. Like, ‘We’ll help you, you’re poor, you need money, but we don’t actually trust you to buy food because we just think you’re going to buy beer or hot Cheetos.’” - Vu Le, Nonprofit AF (source)

  • “All of our goals must be measurable. Also, it is impossible to truly measure the impact of our work.” - Relatable Nonprofit (source)

  • “Giving Tuesday is the day we guilt our friends and family into donating to our favorite causes, one passive-aggressive social media post at a time” - Relatable Nonprofit (source)

  • “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, and they can do it better and faster if they got multi-year general operating funds.” - Vu Le, Nonprofit AF, channeling Margaret Mead (source)

  • “Don’t ever wrestle with a pig. You’ll both get dirty, and your staff will never let you choose another teambuilding activity again.” - Vu Le, Nonprofit AF, channeling Cale Yarborough (source)

Insightful Quotes for Fundraisers and Philanthropists

Fundraising is critical for nonprofit success, yet it is also incredibly tough for many of us. Between navigating power dynamics, dealing with the fear of making “the ask,” and worrying about cash flow, fundraising can feel overwhelming. But these quotes offer some insightful and inspiring tips for fundraisers and philanthropists. 

  • “Doing more types of fundraising doesn’t make you a better fundraiser. It makes you a tired fundraiser.”- @_MalloryErickson, Host of What the Fundraising (source)

  • "No one is offended when you ask for a donation. People may feel bad about not being able to give, but the ask is not offensive.” Sean Kosofsky, The Nonprofit Fixer

  • “Fundraising is not about hounding people to give. It’s about aligning people’s deep desires for their community and the world with your solution”- Mallory Erickson (source)

  • “If you think having uncomfortable conversations with donors is hard, just wait until you see what happens when you don’t.” - Mallory Erickson (source)

  • “Fundraising is a partnership. You are not asking a donor for a favor when you ask for money. You are doing them a favor by inviting them to fund the world they want to see. They are the donor. You are the do-er. It's a partnership” - Sean Kosofsky, The Nonprofit Fixer

  • “People want to fund your impact, not your existence.” - Beth Brodovsky.

  • “In fundraising, you always have to pivot - same as you always have to solicit. You need a plan, and then you need to plan to pivot because things rarely turn out the way you plan. That’s both for the good and the ‘challenging.’ So be prepared with a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, and then be prepared to “pivot” again!” - Mel and Pearl Shaw (source)

  • "Don't be the buyer and seller. Your job is to raise money. After asking for a gift. Be quiet. Don't offer them reasons to say no - Sean Kosofsky, The Nonprofit Fixer

  • “I imagine the powerful role philanthropy can play in supporting bold solutions for systems change by resourcing new paths toward a more regenerative and racially just future. A Just Transition will require us to build new systems, practices, and institutions from the ground up that are rooted in honoring the sacredness of all life.” - Dana Kawaoka-Chen (source)

Inspiring Quotes About Nonprofit Impact

In nonprofit work, we talk a lot about impact. But when you’re in day-to-day, that impact can sometimes be hard to see (and measure!). These great quotes can help remind you just how much our organizations – individually and collectively – are making a difference.  

  • “The nonprofit sector should get way more credit for being a bedrock of our society — for being the compass leading us all in the direction of a truly civil society. It deserves that.” - Joan Garry (source)

  • “Nonprofits attract the best in society because they see beyond the economic gain. They want to truly solve or tackle a social problem.”- Orrin Webb (source)

  • “Equality means more than passing laws. The struggle is really won in the hearts and minds of the community, where it really counts.” – Barbara Gittings

  • “Great things are brought about and burdens are lightened through the efforts of many hands anxiously engaged in a good cause.” - Elder M. Russell Ballard

  • “Before anyone starts a nonprofit, they should spend at least one full year immersing themselves in the issue they are trying to solve. Get to know every player in the ecosystem: the clients, the funders, the colleagues and competition. What are their needs, strengths and challenges? Where is the gap in services or products? What untapped resources, opportunities and collaborations exist? The more you do your homework – the more you listen, discover insights and identify like-minded partners – the higher chance you have of making a meaningful dent in the universe.” - Gina LaMotte

  • “Advocacy represents the lifeblood of our democracy. Strengthening advocacy from across nonprofit sector is vital for the ongoing health and security of our nation, particularly in the context of ensuring that our nation lives up to its deepest ideals and everyone is able to thrive.” Rev Adam Russell Taylor, President, Sojourners (source)

Sean Kosofsky

Sean Kosofsky is The Nonprofit Fixer. He is a coach, consultant and course creator and served in nonprofit leadership roles for 28+ years.

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