Fundraising Assets Inventory Worksheet
The best way to know where to focus your fundraising energy is to play to your strengths. And the best way to know where you're strong is to take an inventory of what assets you have... virtual or physical.
This asset inventory worksheet will help you...
Identify your online audience
Identify the relationships you have
Identify intangible assets you can use to make money
Help you uncover hidden strength
Give your organization of roadmap for where you need to grow
The best way to know where to focus your fundraising energy is to play to your strengths. And the best way to know where you're strong is to take an inventory of what assets you have... virtual or physical.
This asset inventory worksheet will help you...
Identify your online audience
Identify the relationships you have
Identify intangible assets you can use to make money
Help you uncover hidden strength
Give your organization of roadmap for where you need to grow
The best way to know where to focus your fundraising energy is to play to your strengths. And the best way to know where you're strong is to take an inventory of what assets you have... virtual or physical.
This asset inventory worksheet will help you...
Identify your online audience
Identify the relationships you have
Identify intangible assets you can use to make money
Help you uncover hidden strength
Give your organization of roadmap for where you need to grow